Conditions of Use
1. Application
Orders will only become legally bindung after confirmation by the supplier. Any alterations or amendments must be in writing. Any quotations are non binding, nless they are expressly designed as firm offers. Any purchase terms of the customer which differ from these conditions of supply and delivery shall only be binding on the supplier if he expressly accepts them.
2. Prices
The prices are applicable ex works, excluding value-added tax, freight, customs, subsidiary excise taxes on imports and packaging. Our prices do not include customers or suppliers bankcharges.
3. Payment conditions
All payments shall be made in Euro and to the suppllier only. For delivery of parts is payable:
less 2% discount within 14 days from invoice date
by net payment within 30 days from invoice date.
Payment can also be required in advance or C.O.D.
Payment has to be made free of costs for the supplier from either bank. Bankcharges depending on the invoice total will apply.
4. Place of fullfilment of the contract and jurisdiction
Die Lieferfristen werden so angegeben, dass sie voraussichtlich eingehalten werden können; sie sind jedoch grundsätzlich unverbindlich. Verspätete Lieferungen entbindet nicht vor der Abnahmeverpflichtung. Eine Lieferverzögerung verpflichtet auch nicht zum Schadensersatz. Dies gilt nicht, soweit in Fällen des Vorsatzes oder der groben Fahrlässigkeit zwingend gehaftet wird.